Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 33

Why would I gain weight on this diet? Honestly, please tell me -- why would the scale read 3 pounds heavier yesterday (yes it was after breakfast)? Today I weighed as soon as I woke up, like I have been and instead of those 3 pounds gone, only 2 are. So I gained a pound! I baffled. Why? My calories are around 1200. I exercise hundreds of calories and I didn't lose but gained!

I am bound and determined not to give up though. My body feels healthier and my cravings have diminished (though I no sometimes I am on the cusp of blowing it and consuming the last of the Christmas chocolate in 5 seconds flat!). This is the right direction and I will keep moving there. I am feeling success in recognizing the dependency I have on food for comfort - and the desire to use food to fill a void is waning. That is a victory.

Tomorrow is the juice fast day. Today I prepare for it and tomorrow I live it.

Berry Smoothie

Spinach salad - 4 oz lamb, broccoli, red onion, one egg

2 boiled eggs

1 oz tilapia (tilapia was on the menu but after cooking and tasting it - well it tasted off so a few bites later it was decided to toss)
4 oz lean burger
steamed cauliflower/carrots
1/2 slice flax bread

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie, 95 minutes

1 comment:

  1. You can gain weight when you change your exercise... when you increase your exercise, your muscles often hold onto water to cushion themselves and to help them heal. This is not bloat and it is temporary. That will come off.

    I can not fast or go too low in calories versus what I eat or my metabolism slows and goes into starvation mode, but I seriously doubt that is what is happening at this point. Even so keep an eye on your energy level. If it drops and stays low you may not be eating enough for your own body. Everyone is different.

    However in your case, I fully expect you to drop that extra pound and then some quickly.

    You are doing an awesome job... getting healthy and glorifying God with your good decisions!!!
