Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 4

What a slacker i am! A day late and many a dollar short! Seriously. We, mostly me, were super busy yesterday (when I began this entry). I pulled a massive weedy bush out of the corner of our yard then noticed some odd growing plants consuming our hedgerow and proceeded to knock out more vines and weeds. Two hours later I had a pile 5 yards wide and hight ready for Dave to load up and take to be burned. I was dripping with sweat (good work out!).

After a much-needed shower I began painting Emma's room. This is the third time we have painted a room for Emma. SHe likes change. She likes redecorating...and I encourage her. So I did the cutting-in and then got carried away and painted under the windows, over the windows, between the windows and wall and...left very little for Emma to paint. So, three hours later I broke for lunch, a late-lunch. I was famished.

After lunch I went down to the basement to prime two pieces of furniture. After priming I was back up in the bedroom touching up, then back down to the basement to add a coat of "tropical breeze".

Late evening, I was cleaning the floor, adding more touch-ups, moving dressers, making beds...time for another shower and then bed. No Leslie Sansone today, but I figured I could let that slide.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
2 c. coffee
4 T half/half

2 flour tortillas
2 romaine leaves
1 oz queso cheese
1 1/2 c. sherbet

1 1/2 c. mac/cheese
1 c. vanilla
1/3 c. m&ms

Calories 1879

Day 3

Forgot to record yesterday! Yeah, I know, I'm recording how many calories and by the looks of the past two days I won't be losing any weight. I need to get my eating in order!

1/2 c. oatmeal
1 t. brown sugar
1/2 c. blueberries
2 c. coffee
3T half/half

2 tortillas
2 romaine leaves
1/2 tomato
1 oz queso
1 1/2 c. mac/cheese
2 oz dark chocolate

3 slices cheese pizza

Calories 2000

Exercise: 4 miles with Leslie

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 2

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
3 T. half/half
2 C. coffee

2 flour tortillas
2 slices tomato
.5 oz canadian bacon
2 romaine leaves
1 oz con queso cheese
2/3 c steamed edamane
1 c. cherries

4 french toast with 3 T. syrup
2 scrambled eggs
1 bacon
2 oz dark chocolate

exercise: 4 miles with Leslie Sansone
calories...whoa...2167! Being honest here, and ashamed!
It wasn't the best eating day. After lunch I noticed Liam didn't finish his lunch of french toast. Clinging to that childhood myth that a plate must be cleaned, I inhaled the remainder. I actually stood over the sink soaking in bite after bite, my mind and will turned off to logic and common sense. 2 hours later, when I went in to exercise, I felt bloated, overstuffed and ashamed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm Back...

Melodee at is back too. She has a wonderful, real-life blog about the trials and joys of getting healthy. She lost a lot of weight. She stopped focusing on that goal and gained a lot of weight back. Now she's back on. I am so glad. She inspires me as do the smaller capris I bought in May because I lost so many inches off my waist which are now tight because I stopped exercising and recording my food-intake.

I've gained back pounds. I don't know how much because I am literally terrified of getting on the scale. I have convinced myself to weigh-in after I have gotten back on track for a few weeks. It's how I cope.

This week (this is Wednesday) I have exercised everyday and worked hard in the yard. You see, Dave (my husband) and I went on vacation in early July. We walked a lot. I worked out in the hotel spa. We returned home and I ceased to exercise. I ceased to count calories. I continued to eat as if I were on vacation (ohh, ice cream - it's a special day, why not!?). Not only did this effect me physically it effected me emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I need to maintain routine. I need to get up in the morning, make coffee, make oatmeal, drink coffee, eat oatmeal, read the news on the internet, clean up, brush teeth, read bible, exercise, etc. in order to be a happy and healthy woman. I need it. Call it a weakness because I sometimes feel that it is. But I think my "Wormwood" is whispering in my ear that routines are so old-fashioned and fuddy-duddy. (Yeah, I'm re-reading the Screwtape Letters). But I know the scheme. Routine is good. Routine is healthy. I need it. There. Said and done. Thank you very much!

So I'm back, embracing that routine I established at the beginning of the year which lead to losing 25 pounds! I'll be honest end of summer with a weigh-in. But I'm back to recording exercise and food intake.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
2 c. coffee with 3 T half/half

2 c. tossed salad with 2 T. italian dressing
2 slices flax bread toast with 1 pat butter
2/3 c. steamed edamane pods
1 c. cherries

2 cheese sticks

3 pieces foccacia bread
1/2 tomato
2 oz fresh mozzarella
1 thin slice pancetta
1 thin slice canadian bacon
2 mojitos
1 oz dark chocolate
Total Calories: 1725
Exercise: 4 miles with Leslie Sanson (48 minutes)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pearls before swine

Elizabeth Scalia at the Anchoressonline has an excellent post on living low, living in mediocrity, living for less than we were created, accepting the mud and mire, or throwing our pearls before swine and being satisfied. It reminds me (and she uses the analogy) of this weight-loss, food obsession struggle.

I have been struggling, mightily. Often, these last couple weeks, I've been losing. I've given in to temptation. I've succumbed to the sugary sweetness of temporary satisfaction and comfort. I'm swine groveling in the mud, too absorbed by the delights of sludge to look up and see goodness and long-lasting health and happiness ahead.

I truly feel as if I am addicted. I think about what meal is next. I anticipate hunger in hope of justifying why I am eating -- again.

What happened? My discipline of healthy eating, waiting for hunger, eating good stuff....was going so well. And then it collapsed in on me.

Summertime is supposed to be that "health-aware" season. The fashions cover less of your body so you want to be in better shape so you exercise more, eat less (because it's hotter outside and who likes to eat when it's hot?). But somehow the summer has the opposite effect on me. My routine (kids in school, home schooling, regular meetings, etc.) is off, so I am off-schedule. I need the routine! It's hot, bloody hot outside and stepping out into it drains me of all energy for the next task/project at hand and I end up tinkering on the computer for six hours and not walking, reading, cleaning, anything.

Someone slap me! Snap out of it! I fear gaining that 30 pounds I worked so hard to lose. I truly fear that. But do I fear it enough? The best of me does. The old swine-y self doesn't care. I just want to be coddled.

So that's where I am today. Thanks, Suzanne, for praying. I need that. And I am reciprocating. I think getting my focus off my self (by praying and serving others) is the start to climbing out of this mud pit. Thanks.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Prayer

Lord, help me get back on track. It was a good ride from January through May. Help me. Cause my will to back away from sugar. Cause my day to be strengthened by saying no, over and over. Set me up for success today. I need your spirit, Holy Spirit, guide me in decisions-to say no when my old flesh wants to be coddled by sweets. Give me your spirit of self-control.

Monday, June 15, 2009

1996 - It was a good year but...

I missed a day of exercising last week so I didn't reach my goal of 42 miles so I didn't reach my goal of pushing past 2000 miles. 1996 miles walked since November 2007. That's like starting out here in little ol' Sparta and almost making it to Seattle, Washington. Almost.

Leaner Lamb has a great reminder of what makes healthy habits stick. I have fallen have the wagon and think I broke an ankle cuz' it's hard to jump back on. I'm not recording my diet and like lamb said, "those of us who struggle with weight eat without even thinking." Yeap, it's true. At dinner time I could have already eaten my 1600 calories for the day, but heck, I need to sit down and eat with the family, so here goes another 500-750 calories! And then, boom, I'm eating more than expending. No weight gain (thank goodness for my commitment to exercise) but the losing has stalled for about 2 months.

SO....send good thoughts, rebuking and challenging, and perhaps your ideas to keep journalling a priority (and yes I use sparkpeople).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So I Blew It Yesterday...

I restarted my journaling with yesterday. It went well - until post dinner time. 

I got a call from Dave. He and two other guys were down in Metropolis area scouting out camping sites for our youth group. He didn't know earlier in the day they'd be driving so far south and he didn't know when he'd be home, but he'd be missing dinner. Fine. 

I get a call 2 hours later. Their car broke down, in Carbondale, about an hour 15 minutes away. Could I pick them up? Well, a major storm was pouring down it's innards all over Sparta. Lightening was striking right next door. The streets were flooding, quickly filling up. I dared the storm but only drove around the block, trying to avoid the large, newly developed ponds in the streets, pulled back in to park and called Dave. "I'm not coming. The storm's headed in your direction and I don't know what the roads will be like."

"Okay, that's best, but are your sure?" was Dave's reply. "We're out here off the side of the main highway."

"I'll check the weather radar and see what they predict," I promised.

Now I'm worried. All I can imagine are cars whipping by and some semi speeds up, loses control, hydro-planes and smashes into their parked vehicle. So, how do I manage this stress and anxiety? Pound cake of course!

I think I consumed 800 calories within 8 minutes! Is that a record? Needless to say I didn't handle my anxious thoughts very well. The pound cake only gave me heart burn.

The evening (or early morning) ended well. The storm passed from Sparta down through Carbondale but the roads were driveable. I made it down there, picked up the guys and we were home, in bed, by 12:45am.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Almost at 2000 miles!!!

I really need to get back on track. 

I was out of commission for 10 days with respiratory flu but before that I slacked off on recording food on sparkpeople. I was diligent with exercise, and proudly recorded that. But I was ashamed of the food. Because of not recording I forget what I eat and therefore eat more. Yeah, sounds ridiculous, "How can you forget eating the 1/2 c. of M & Ms just 2 hours ago?" Believe me, I can.

So today, Monday, beginning of the week, a new week, I am back to food recording on sparkpeople. Last week I had my first complete, 6 days, workout week since coming down with the flu. Now I am a mere 39 miles from reaching my goal of 2000 miles. That's 2000 miles walked with a Leslie Sansone dvd since November of 2007. I'm impressed! I hope to reach this goal on Saturday by walking 7 miles each day. Unfortunately, or expectantly, many days get interrupted so we'll see what comes by Saturday.

But needless to say if you  are "dieting" or working on a new healthy food lifestyle I heartily and emphatically recommend food journalling.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Respiratory Flu

It's been over a week since I've exercised. I am tired. I am dizzy and I really don't feel like sweating. I've had this respiratory flu for just a week now. My youngest seems to be coming down with it today. The doctor told me it can linger 10-15 days than you think you're done with it and - boom - it hits again. So I want to be cautious. I'm also anxious. I don't want this reprieve from my "new health" routine send me down a spiral of weight gain and lethargic muscle tone. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Update from the weekend

The weekend went well. I didn't gain any pounds. I did snack, however. I didn't succeed with all my expectations. But I did get  6 days of exercise in the 4 days prior to leaving for the Great Banquet. 

I'm a little off my habit of recording my food intake. I know this is vital, to know throughout the day how much I've eaten so I don't over eat by the end of the day. 

Yesterday I did quite a bit of gardening and gardening must have some major benefits to the backside because this morning - wow! aches and pains, but in a good way.

And let's hear it for Helen. A woman. A 48 year old woman winning the Biggest Loser. But I must say she looked incredibly thin, incredibly fit yet incredibly thin. I noticed she was at 147 when she left the ranch and at the finale last night she weight 117. She lost 30 pounds more! The other two (Mike and Tara) were no where near that number as far as weight loss while home. I wonder if Helen did the math and figured she would have to lose a lot more weight in order to exceed Mike and Tara. It worked. 

And then there was Jerry, who won the $100,000 at home biggest loser. Wow! 64 years old and only on the ranch for two weeks. What an example of perseverance.

So I'm still hovering at 203. Been there for about a month. I'm glad it's not moving up but feel I need to kick it in gear to get the scale going down. But it's going to have to wait - Ian's graduating next week and in-laws are coming, big party plans, etc. But exercise is my passion and keeps my motivation up.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leaving for the weekend today.

I'm a little frustrated. I've cranked up the work out yet my weight has leveled - stagnant. I can't seem to get below 200. I'm just hovering right above it. So frustrating.

I hope Helen wins on Biggest Loser simply because she's 48. Early on in the show (not this season but previous) I complained that only women in their 20s and early 30s were picked (I think I even sent a letter to the show). Now here's a woman who I can relate to - struggles (probably) with the hormone thing. And she's doing it. She's incredibly fit. Ran a marathon. Looks great. 
I really would prefer Mike and Ron to lose. I know they have done incredibly well but Ron's deception over Christy really aggravated me. 

Ta ta for now. Eat well, exercise, enjoy life. Eat to live.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Anticipating Sabotage

I'm doing well this week - pushing hard in my exercise routine (10 miles/day) because I'm going on a retreat this weekend so I want to get in my weekly (6 days) miles in only four days. 

But I am also anticipating the desserts and snacks I will face Thursday through Sunday. So my big question: how do you anticipate temptation? When faced with the onslaught of chocolate chip cookies, cakes, mini-hersey bars and anything else you consider taboo, how do you set yourself up to succeed? Last time I went on this retreat I knew if I started imbibing, even if I lingered near the snack table, all was lost. Once a sugary sweet passes my lips all self-control and discipline has vanished. I truly feel out of control. So my best bet is simply not take anything. Then I must cope with the feelings of deprivation. I know, I know, I know what is best. I must gear myself up to hold steadfast to that. I will be taking several packs of gum (just like they recommend on the Biggest Loser). What would you do?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The I Word

I finding it rather redundant to record my food diary on and then here so instead of using this blog for food/exercise journaling (so I am so faithful on sparkpeople) I am altering my purpose to be a place where my issues with health/exercise/eating right are shared openly and honestly. And in that spirit...

Last week something happened while I was exercising. I was shocked at first. Bewildered really. I had know idea what was going on. It just happened. So suddenly. It happened only once - last week. Then it happened again - two days ago and then just yesterday. 


I didn't know how it happened at first. I felt no urge. I just noticed after it happened that I was wet - wetter than from just sweating. I realize this may be TMI but when I began doing some google research on the topic I read how so many women believe they are the only ones experience incontinence that they are ashamed. It's not a shameful thing. In fact, it's quite ordinary for women of all ages, especially during exercise. And that's when it happens for me.

What to do about it? Kegels! Remember Kegels? I learned about Kegels during my first pregnancy. Obviously I haven't been practicing what I learned about 18+ years ago. But Kegels are the best form of repair and prevention of incontinence. There is surgery but that's too invasive. 

So while your sitting at your computer, typing away, reading away ... do your Kegels!

A Need for Prayer - please!

I know I've been absent for a while. Everything, eating-wise, is going well. No problems there. And I'm getting my exercise in. 

But there are issues going on in our family that are consuming my internet time. My son must decide on a college tomorrow (Thursday). I would greatly appreciate prayer. 

It's 3:34am right now. I can't sleep. We re-read over the financial aid letters and realized we mis-read the one from the university Ian would really like to attend. Their package isn't as great as we thought. In fact none of the packages aren't that great. I am confused and disappointed. We were reassured from several folks (and in hindsight we should not have taken their words to heart) that with Ian's GPA and ACT score any school would take him and most likely with a full-ride scholarship.  If Ian takes any one of these offers he will be incurring a massive debt and I don't like that.

Tomorrow I will be making phone calls to two of the universities to see if any more financial aid is available. I am not a bold person. I don't like asking...for anything. Please help me by praying for the right words to come out of my mouth.

The fact that he needs to make a decision by tomorrow is weighing on us (there, that fits in with my weight-loss blog). We just received the financial packet from the third school today! That's why this decision is so last minute. 

Thanks for reading and thanks for praying.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 7 - Arghhhh!

The thought behind my food detox (this past week) and the liquid fast (planned for Monday) was to "divorce" myself from food. I had grand intentions of preparing myself during last week by eating wisely so that Monday, tomorrow, would come and the juice fast would be a breeze, then on Tuesday I would feel little compulsion to overeat, crave carbs and especially sugar. Ahh, that was the plan.

Sunday, today, we had several folks over after church and I made chocolate cake for dessert. The night before was the wedding...and wedding cake. Just when you think you are stronger than your addiction - boom - you realize you are not-you realize, "I am still weak and unable to say no to that thing which I over-consume because it consumes me." It's so frustration.

One of our lunch guests has been sober for 8 months. He is on the path on holding on to Jesus and His strength. He commented on his weekly AA meetings and how some folks 8, 10 even 16 years sober get that feeling that now they are strong enough - they go back into their old way of life, back into those relationships or visit places they used to thinking, "I'm strong now, I can handle one drink." And they fall off the wagon. So easy. So quickly. 

The place of trepidation is probably a good for me - embracing my weakness rather than ignoring it. When I deny my weakness, deny that it's an issue, I think, "I can have one piece of cake, pie, or candy... and stop. I have learned. I am strong." But in reality I am not. I am weak and have to avoid those trigger foods and learn how to cope with situations where trigger foods are passed out (ie. weddings, parties). 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 6

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 t. slivered almonds
1/4 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
1/3 c. half/half

3 boiled eggs
2 c. steamed broccoli
2 slices bread

.2 C honey roasted peanuts
.2 C. m & ms
1/2 slice wedding cake
1 oz pork loin
1/2 C. salad
1/2 C. green beans
1/2 C. grapes
3 strawberries
2/3 C. mostaciolli

Exercise: 8 miles with leslie (96 minutes)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 5

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 t. slivered almonds
1/4 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
1/3 c. half/half

3 boiled eggs
4 c. steamed broccoli
10 baby carrots

1/3 c. dry roasted peanuts

tossed salad with turkey breast, cheddar cheese, 1/2 egg and 2 T. raspberry vinaigrette
2 dinner rolls

8 miles with Leslie (96 minutes)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 4

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 T. slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. blueberries
1/4 c. half/half

4 c. steamed cauliflower
2 egg white/2 egg scrambled
10 baby carrots

3 boiled eggs

6 c. tossed salad with 2 T light dressing

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 39

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 T. slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. blueberries
1/4 c. half/half

6 c. tossed salad with 4 boiled eggs and 3 T. light dressing
1 1/2 c. steamed broccoli
10 baby carrots

4 egg whites/1 egg scrambled with red onion
2 c. steamed broccoli

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie

Day 1-3: Detoxing again and very happy with the results

So I had the computer anyway, but husband is still gone. Over the weekend wasn't so good so I didn't post but made a resolution to detox again. Detoxing is what started me on this grand plan of health and weight loss and it was a good start. Over Easter I toxed and hence I am restarting the detox this week. Because of that I am restarting my days. So Monday is day 1 and today (Wednesday) is day 3. 

How am I detoxing? I am using what I learned from the Anne Dittleman book along with my own preferences, lifestyle and finances and modifying the detox to fit me. That means maintaining my oatmeal for the morning and consuming copious amounts of cauliflower, broccoli, salads and eggs. On my 8th day I will do the cranberry juice fast described in Dittleman's book.

For exercise I upped my cardio by running during half of my Leslie Sanson dvds. I think this has helped immensely - to keep my heart-rate up because my weight loss is great! I have 6 pounds to go to my initial goal. I am very happy. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 125-129

I'm off line until Monday - my husband and his mac are leaving for the Great Banquet so I'll be recording my food intake manual (oh, the horrors), trying the eat well and get off my sugar addiction and exercising 7 miles/day. I did lose 2 pounds these past two weeks! Yeah!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 122/123

Our internet has been intermittent so I haven't been recording my food intake - which hasn't been the best. But I have continued the 7 miles/day with Leslie. Wednesday's a new day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 120/121 - celebrating His goodness and mercy

I messed up yesterday (Saturday) yet...

... today we celebrate the resurrection because without it we would be dead in sin. We are now alive. We are now who we were created to be - in relationship with our Creator. We celebrate because He loves us so much He bent down and took care of sin which we love too much and said, "I love you more." We celebrate and say a bowed Thank You. We feast today in God's goodness and love. His amazing love, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 119

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 T. slivered almonds
1/4 C. mixed berries
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half

2 foccacia sandwiches (roast beef with 2 slices swiss cheese)

1 hot cross bun

4 slices bread
2 serving sirloin beef soup

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie (82 minutes)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 118

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 T. slivered almonds
1/4 C. mixed berries
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half

2 corn tortilla chicken enchiladas
1 pineapple muffin

1 slice foccacia bread
2 slices roast beef lunch meat
1 oz turkey lunch meat
2 oz almonds

Exercise: 8 miles with leslie (91 minutes)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 117 - too many carbs!!

I have indulged in too many carbs lately. They are what lead me into an addiction-relationship with food. I need a purge!

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. mixed berries
2 T slivered almonds
1 cinnamon roll

3 corn tortilla chicken enchiladas
1 1/2 c. steamed cauliflower
1 cinnamon roll

1 1/2 c. steamed broccoli/cauliflower
1 1/2 c. tossed salad with 1 T. light italian dressing
3 rolls

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie (70 minutes)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 116

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds
4 T. half/half

1 pancake

1 c. rice
1 c. red beans
1 oz monterey jack

3 C. tossed salad with 1 T light italian dressing
2 c. cooked cauliflower
1 c. spaghetti alfredo

Exercise: 82 minutes with Leslie - 7 miles

Monday, April 6, 2009

Where I've Been -- the Perfect Storm

Last week started with a wimper and ended with a bang. We had two funerals, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, and that means funeral dinners for me to arrange. My healthy eating plan goes out the window on those days. We traditionally serve ham/fried chicken/an assortment of casseroles/lots of desserts. Leftovers usually come home with us. And there was lots of leftovers - especially cakes. And I had a few, or more. So that is one component of the Perfect Storm.

Factor number two was the computer hard drive dying. I rely on sparkpeople to record my eating diary. It calculates calories so I know where I am mid-day, how many calories I have available for dinner. Without that ability to record all those cakes I let myself eat more, because ignorance is bliss! Not!

Item number three - my hip went out. The Friday before I began feeling a twinge of pain in my right hip. By Monday the pain was shooting down to the knee. I got in 6 miles of walking on Monday, just barely. Tuesday I was hobbling along and had to be on my feet for most of the day, with the funeral. I could barely walk and was in PAIN. I knew I had to go to the chiropractor. Dave scheduled an appointment for Wednesday. Wednesday morning I awoke to no pain. Wouldn't you know it but by mid morning I was back to hobbling. My appointment was for 2pm. By 2:30 I was pain free and was told not to exercise for two days. It was amazing. I got off the table a new woman. I highly recommend chiropractic medicine.

So Friday I returned to exercising (got 20 miles in last week) but was not recording in my food diary - the hard drive was back on line only this Sunday. So here I am now - back in the saddle and more than ever aware that falling off the wagon is very easy. I sometimes feel confident that my new healthy eating/exercise habits are in concrete but then days hit, like the Perfect Storm, that remind me of the razor's edge. I am weak.

Because of the many indulgences of last week I am feeling the intense need for detoxing. After Easter I will be going back to the 11 day detox diet with which I kicked off the new year.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds

4 c. tossed salad with 2T light italian dressing
3 boiled eggs
2 ginger muffins

2 chicken enchiladas
1 c. broccoli
2 c. spinach salad with 1 T light italian dressing
2 ginger muffins

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie (82 min)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 106

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds

1 cheese stick
1 chocolate chip cookie

3 c. salad with 1 T. light italian dressing
1 oz sirloin steak
1 piece toast with pat butte
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T. light sour cream
1 T honey

1 c. white rice
1 c. pinto beans
1 oz cheddar cheese

Exercise: 5 miles with leslie (60 minutes)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 105

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds

90 cal. granola bar

1/2 italian beef sub sandwich
1 c. grilled zucchini
1 medium corn on the cob
2 chocolate chip cookies

2 slices cheese pizza
1 sliver vanilla bean cheesecake
1 sliver chocolate cake

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 104

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds

2 cheese sticks

1/2 Italian Beef sandwich
potato chips

Hamburger (4 oz ground beef, bun, mustard)
3 c. salad with 1 T light italian dressing
1 slice chocolate cake

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie (82 minutes); pushups/squats/ab work

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 103-did well on this birthday

It's birthday season. 2 birthdays in a row, today and tomorrow. Their only request: vanilla bean cheesecake and triple layer chocolate cake. Is there any hope?

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds

2 c. red beans and rice
1 apple

5 oz sirloin steak
1 zucchini grilled with onions
1 sweet potato with pat butter
1/5 slice vanilla bean cheesecake

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie (92 minutes)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 102

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds
1/4 c. half and half

3 c. tossed salad with 2 T light dressing
1 C red beans and rice
1 cheese stick

3 pancakes
1 cheese stick
1 apple

Exercise: 5 miles with leslie (60 minutes), pushupsquatabs routine, 40 push ups to prove to my boys how many pushups I could do in a minute

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 101

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds
1/4 c. half and half

3 rice cakes
6 slices turkey lunch meat
3 cheese sticks
3/4 apple

1 90 cal. granola bar

1 c. red rice/beans
3 C. tossed salad with 2 T light dressing
1 90 cal. granola bar

Exercise: 10 miles with leslie (2 hours)

Day 100

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 T brown sugar
2 T sliced almonds
1/4 c. half and half

1/2 c. wild rice mix
4 oz pork loin chop
1 c. green beans
1 oz dark chocolate

Culvers grilled chicken caesar salad
2 reeses mini cups
2 small chocolate chip cookies
1 small dove bite

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 99

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar

3 rice cakes
8 slices lunch meat, turkey
2 cheese sticks
1 banana
1 90 cal. granola bar

1 90 cal. granola bar
tea with 1/4 c. half/half

4 c. tossed salad with 2 T light dressing
2 boiled eggs
1 sweet potato with pat butter
1/2 c. non fat chocolate pudding

Exercise: 10 miles with Leslie (2 hours)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 98

I went to bed last night feeling a wee bit ill. I woke up this morning feeling a bit wonky. Mid morning I napped. I was tired. Out of sorts. No exercise. Just not into it today. Had to work to not overeat. Have you heard of the research that lack of sleep effects one's ability to eat within their bounds? I have found this to be true. When I don't get enough sleep I tend to overeat. 

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar
2 pieces toast with 2 pats butter

2 cheese sticks

2 c. light chicken noodle soup
2 pieces toast with 2 pats butter
1 cheese stick

1 banana
1 90 calorie granola bar

1 1/2 slices cheese pizza
1/2 slice friendship bread coffee cake

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 97

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar

1 cheese stick

4 c. romaine
1 c. broccoli
2 egg whites
1 egg
2 T light dressing
1 cheese stick
1 apple

2 servings low calorie hot chocolate

1 1/2 c. broccoli
4 oz chicken in coconut milk

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes); squats/pushups/abdominal work

Day 96

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar

2 c. cauliflower
5 oz grilled chicken
1 apple
1 cheese stick

2 c. chili
1 banana

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie (82 minutes)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 95

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar

3 c. salad
2 egg whites
1 boiled egg
2 T. light dressing
6 oz non fat yogurt
1 T. light sour cream
1 T honey

1/2 c. whole wheat past
5 oz grilled chicken
1 1/2 c. cauliflower with carrots
7 asparagus spears
3 T. half and half

Exercise: 8 miles with leslie (97 minutes), 100 crunches, 45 pushups, 24 squats

Day 94-Detoxing

The weekend was so bad I was desperate to have a good day, a restart, a new beginning. I decided to go back to the detox diet (modified) and enjoy the cranberry juice fast next week). I had a bit of a headache this afternoon as I felt my body crave sugar yet my will fought back. It was a good day.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. blueberries

3 c. salad with 2 T. light dressing
2 egg whites
2 cheese sticks

1 cheese stick

1/2 c. brown rice
3 oz shrimp/scallop mix
1 c. green breans
3 c. salad with 2 T. light dressing

Exercise: 10 miles with Leslie (2 hours)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 93 - So it wasn't a better day.

Don't know where I should go with this post for today. It started off well. Breakfast was my routine of oatmeal. Lunch was good too - pork loin, mushrooms, broccoli. Then I went to a bridal shower. There was sugared nuts at the table, within arms reach. I had, um, a few. I don't know how many. I also had a cookie, or two. But no cake, initially. A plate full of fruit. And then there was the Texas sheet cake. Yummers. I brought some home for the boys but had two pieces myself. Now my stomach is yearning for protein, my brain is swimming in sugar, I have no idea how many calories I consumed and my vision of exercising today has vanished.

I have discovered something about myself this weekend. I overeat when I feel insecure. I thought I overate or put my mouth in cruise control when bored or frustrated but what really drives me to eat badly is insecurity - when I'm not in a comfortable situation. The hand-to-mouth motion is subliminal. I'm not even aware of it and in a little bit I see a cup of peanuts gone and my head is screaming, "TOO MUCH SUGAR!"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 92 - Not the Best of Days

Have you ever had a day when your are hungry beyond reason? Today was such a day for me. After a more than calorie-rich meal I was dissatisfied. Had. to. have. more. I didn't know, or even care, if it was emotional hunger. Didn't want to analyze it. I just wanted something more. And, unfortunately, the routine stuck for the day. I didn't need that cinnamon roll at the end of the day but, gosh darn it!, I deserved it, by golly. I know tomorrow, my weigh-in day, will not be a joyous one. But it's a new day.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar

3 Corn tortillas
2 cheese sticks
6 slices turkey breast lunch meat
90 cal granola bar
6 oz non fat yogurt
1 T light sour cream
1 T honey

2 bowls honey nut cheerios
1 1/2 c. milk

Grilled chicken caesar salad
1 cinnamon roll

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 91

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar
3 T. half/half
90 cal granola bar

1 cheese stick

3 c. salad with 2 T. light dressing
2 corn tortillas with 1 cheese stick
1 oz dark chocolate
90 cal granola bar

2 slices cheese pizza
1 oz dark chocolate

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes); Sculpting with Tony (28 minutes)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 90

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/4 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1 1/2 boiled egg whites
90 cal. granola bar
3 T. half/half

90 cal. granola bar
1/2 oz cheese
1 corn tortilla
3 oz chicken breast
3 C. salad
2 T. light thousand island dressing
3 T half and half
1 oz dark chocolate

salmon burger
3 c. salad with 1 boiled egg, 1/2 oz cheese, 2 T. italian light dressing
1 oz dark chocolate

Exercise: 2 hours with Leslie - 10 miles

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 89 - Biggest Loser - it isn't that simple.

DId you see Biggest Loser last night? Mandy, who the blue team was banking on to have lost the most, lost nothing. It is amazing because she worked hard the past week. How can someone who works out 6-8 hours a day not lose a pound? It just goes to show you that it really isn't quite as simple as eat less, exercise more and you'll lose weight - especially for women. You see, there's the tricky little thing women go through every month that messes with our hormones and weight. We can do all that is required or necessary, follow all the rules and still not lose weight, and perhaps even gain. If we are not aware of this fact we can become disheartened and give up. But I strongly believe it is important to be aware and anticipate and to press on. Persistence is the key.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half
90 cal. granola bar

2 cheese sticks

1 1/2 c. salad with 2 T. light italian dressing
2 boiled eggs
6 ox non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1 T honey
1 oz dark chocolate

2 C. spinach salad with 2 T. light italian dressing
5 oz. chicken
1 english muffin
1 oz mozzarella cheese
90 cal. granola bar

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes); Weights with Tony (Power 90 1/2)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 88

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half

90 cal. granola bar

1 1/2 c. salad with 2 T light italian dressing
5 oz turkey patty
6 oz non fat yogurt
1 T. light sour cream
1 T honey

tea with 1/4 c. half/half

1 1/2 c. salad with 2 T light italian dressing
3 oz mahi-mahi
2 corn tortillas
1/3 c. salsa
1 mcdonald's parfait
1 oz dark chocolate

Exercise: 2 hours with leslie (10 miles)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 87

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1 slice toast with 1 pat butter

90 cal. granola bar

1 C. steamed broccoli
1 1/2 oz sirloin steak
1/2 c. polenta
90 cal granola bar

1 slice toast with 1 pat butter

1 1/2 c. green beans
1/2 c. pineapple
4 oz grilled chicken breast
1 mcdonald's parfait

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minute), weight lifting with Tony (25 minutes)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 86

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

10 saltine crackers
4 oz turkey patty
2 c. tossed salad with 2 T light italian dressing
1 piece applesauce spice cake
1/4 c. half/half

Culver's Philly Cheese sandwich
1 scoop vanilla custard

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 85

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

90 cal. granola bar

2 slices cheese pizza
4 oz turkey patty
1 McDonald's parfait

5 saltine crackers
1 oz dark chocolate

4 oz turkey patty
1 oz sirloin steak
grilled zucchin/onions
1 glass red wine
1 slice yellow cake with chocolate frosting

Exercise: 2 miles prayer walking (34 minutes); 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes); gardening (2 hours)

Day 84

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

90 cal. granola bar

1 1/2 c. salad with 2 T light italian dressing
1 1/2 c. chicken salsa soup

2 slices cheese pizza
1 1/2 c. salad with 2 T light italian dressing
4 oz turkey patty
1 ox dark chocolate

Exercise: 10 miles with Leslie (2 hours)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 83

Not the best eating day - went over 2000 calories.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

2 cheese sticks
90 cal. granola bar

3 corn tortillas
6 slices turkey lunch meat
1 1/2 oz mozzarella
1 1/2 c. cauliflower
2/3 c. carrots
1 oz dark chocolate

1 cheese stick
90 cal. granola bar

2 eggs, scrambled
1 c. hash browns
3 toasts with 1 1/2 pat butter

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (1 hour)/ 25 min. body sculpting (Power 90, weight training, push-ups, squats, lunges, ab ripper) with Tony

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 82 - It Isn't Easy

Start Weight: 222.5lbs.
End Weight: 130lbs.
Total Lost: 92.5lbs.
I have struggled with my weight for the past 15 years. The weight just kept creeping on. I was so unhappy and tired. I continued to eat unhealthy and just felt terrible. My weight was taking a toll and I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack. At only 5 feet, I was morbidly obese.

On January 2, 2008 I started a life change. I began my plan of action by keeping a journal of everything I ate. Then I started to exercise- they were Leslie Sansone’s videos which I purchased years earlier. I started out slow- and lost about 3 pounds a week. I found Leslie’s workouts to be awesome (4 Steps – who knew it would be that easy!)

It isn't easy! That's my point, the reason I named my blog *I'm Typical. This testimony was from It is encouraging but I'm sure there's much more behind this weight-loss story than what's told here. 92 pounds in a year and easily done? I don't think so. Or maybe it is for some, a few, perhaps. But for folks like me it's hard work. It's aggravating. But it's worth it because it's about a better life style. It's about a realistic and spiritually mature attitude toward food.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

2 cheese sticks

8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T light sour cream
1 T honey
3 corn tortillas
6 slices turkey lunch meat
1 1/2 slices swiss cheese

90 calorie granola bar
tea with 3 T half/half

4 oz salmon with teriyaki sauce
1 1/2 c. steam cauliflower
1/2 c. steam carrots
1 sweet potato
1 pat butter
tea with 3 T half/half

Exercise: 2 hours with Leslie (10 miles)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 81

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

2 cheese sticks

1 c. sauteed zucchini
4 oz turkey patty
1 1/2 c. salad
1 T light ranch dressing
6 oz non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1 T honey

90 calorie granola bar

1 c. steamed broccoli
1/3 c. brown rice
1 1/2 c. whole wheat pasta with 1/8 c. marinara
1 c. pineapple chunks

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie (60 minutes), 25 minutes weight lifting/squats/lunges/push-ups with Tony

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 80-Thank the Lord for Tomorrows

I spent my morning making phone calls to the insurance company, the hospital and the doctor's office. And then it was to the appliance repair shop - waiting, waiting, waiting. So I put off exercise until all that was done. Then I had a meeting which went longer than expecting getting home just in time to fix dinner. Exercise -- well, it kind of got neglected today and I don't like that, especially since I sabbath from exercise on Sunday. Eating 4 cookies didn't help my calorie-count either. I didn't cling to Jesus like I hoped/want to. I clung to the sugary-comfort of macadamia white chocolate instead.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

2 oz cheese sticks

1.5 salad with 1 T light thousand island
1.5 c. chicken salsa soup
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T. sour cream
1 T honey

4 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
1 1/2 c. reduced calorie cocoa
3 T. half/half

Shrimp/scallops sauteed
1/2 c. brown rice
2 c. tossed salad with 1 T light thousand island dressing
1 c. sauteed zucchini and onions
tea with 3 T half and half
1 slice toast with pat butter

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 79

I will eternally be baffled by the scale and my weight fluctuation. Yesterday I weighed 214. This morning ---- 209!

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

1/2 serving beef stroganoff
3 meatballs
2 pieces toast with butter

4 chocolate cookies
tea with 3 T half/half
5 tea biscuits

1/2 serving chicken stir fry with rice
4 oz turkey patty
3 T half/half
reduce calorie cocoa

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 78

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar

2 c. green beans
1 1/2 c. roasted chicken

2 cheese sticks

2 c. Chicken Salsa Soup
5 chocolate kisses
1/4 c. half and half
2 packets reduced calorie cocoa

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie (98 minutes)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 77

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T sliced almonds
1 t brown sugar

1 cheese stick
90 cal granola bar

1 1/2 c. cauliflower
1 1/2 c. salad with light italian dressing
6 meatballs

2 cheese sticks

1 serving chicken fried rice
90 cal. granola bar

Exercise: 10 miles with Leslie (120 minutes)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 76 - a little frustrated

I didn't post last night because I didn't finish eating, no better yet grazing, until 9pm. Maybe I can chalk it up to the no-coffee headache. Perhaps it's that time of the month. Whatever the "excuse" I overate massively today. I probably can rest this one on my frustration described below. But in the effort of maintaining utter and complete honesty in this blog I decided I must post everything I've eaten. No hidden snacks. I laid in bed bloated and disgusted. It's Thursday now. I have a new day before me. The slate is clean. I start anew.

I've maintained this 10 pound weight loss for almost a month. It has gone up. It hasn't gone down. And it's the latter that's frustrating me. Women's weight loss is a tricky thing to measure. Our hormones and cycles mess with that number. So I must realize that when weighing myself twice a week. But sometimes that 10 pounds is only 8 and a couple times it went to 11!

But it isn't going down - anymore. Have I plateu-ed? I've switched from 1200 calories to 1500 and sometimes 1700 (and once or twice 2000). I know that to keep my metabolism up I need to eat around 1700-2200 calories. If I go over that I start gaining. But if I stay there will I maintain and not lose? So should I go back down to 1200 to see if I'll lose or will my metabolism get whacked and go into starvation mode and maintain or worse - gain? Questions - please provide answers! Anyone?!

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t brown sugar

1 90 cal. granola bar
1 oz almonds
2 boiled eggs

1.5 c salad with light italian dressing
2 boiled eggs

2 pieces toast with butter

1 serving penne pasta with shrimp
2 c salad with light italian dressing

2 pieces toast
1 oz dark chocolate
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1T honey

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 75

When you switch up your exercise routine your body moves and stretches in new ways. And the next day you feel it. Today I learned that my Leslie Sansone routine does not exercise my hamstrings and deltoids. I'm glad to be exercising them with Tony.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
1 t. brown sugar
1/8 c. half/half

1.5 c. salad
1 T light italian dressing
1 1/2 slices cheese pizza
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1T honey

2 oz almonds

1 1/2 c. salad
2 T light italian dressing
1 c. steamed cauliflower
6 meatballs with marinara
1 oz dark chocolate

Exercise: 10 miles with Leslie (2 hours)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 74 - Switching Up the Exercise Routine

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half
1 toast with butter

1 serving beef stroganoff
1 apple
1 toast with butter

4 oz mahi-mahi
3 C. salad with 2 T light thousand island dressing
7 spears grilled asparagus
.5 oz cheese stick

Exercise: Trying something new, well actually old. 6 years ago I purchased my first infomercial item - Tony Horton's Power 90 from I pulled it off the shelf, dusted it off and worked out to cardio and weight-lifting (total 1 hour) today. I'm thinking of alternating Tony with 8 miles with Leslie.

Day 73

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

4 c. romaine
2 T red onion
2 T feta
2T light italian dressing
6 oz grilled chicken
2 pieces challah bread
8 oz non fat milk
1 T sour cream
1T honey

6 oz turkey breast
1 hamburger roll
1 serving sweet potato fries

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 72

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

3 C. romaine
1.5 c. red bell pepper
2 scallions
2 T light done right thousand island dressing
5 oz. ground turkey

3 C. romaine
1 c. red bell pepper
2 scallions
2 T light done right thousand island dressing
5 oz ground turkey
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1 T honey
1 piece angel food cake

Exercise: 96 minutes with Leslie (8 miles)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 71

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

4 corn tortillas
2 cheese sticks
7 slices turkey breast
salad with 1 T light thousand Island dressing

1/2 c. chocolate covered soy nuts

6 oz turkey patty
2 c. sauteed zucchini with onions
1 sweet potato with pat butter

Exercise: 10 miles!!! with Leslie (2 hours)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 70- Step Away From the Chocolate-Covered Soy Nuts, Ma'am!

There is this sense I have, in my gluttonous state, that a food which leads me to indulge must be consumed in total, in one single sitting. What is that about?!%* If I open a box of _______________________ (fill in the blank with graham crackers/cookies/pretzels/almonds/granola bars/whatever) and I have one, then another, then...ooops might as well consume the entire box so it's out of the house and I won't be eating anymore.

Wouldn't the logical form of resistance be, ah, let's think here, ah...throw it away!? You might think, "Hey, Barb, why not just stop eating. Close it up and put it in the back of the cupboard. Step away. Stop eating."
You'd think that would make sense to me.
You'd think I would have the self-control to stop and step away.
But you see, when my head and heart are consumed by an indulgence, control does not even enter the picture. Only lack of control. So when I ate 20 soy nuts and there were, oh, 1/2 c. left in the box, I thought, "Might as well finish it off!" Stupid, stupid, STUPID.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

4 corn tortillas
2 cheese sticks
7 slices turkey breast
salad with 1 T light thousand Island dressing

2 90 calorie granola bars
1/2 c. chocolate covered soy nuts

egg noodles with beef stroganoff

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 69

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

2 oz cheese stick

2/3 c. white rice
1 c. peppers
3 oz pork loin
1 c non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1 T honey

Dinner (It was Admitted Student Night at St. Louis University - parents invited too. Ian, Aidan and I attended)
1 hamburger patty
1 slice cheddar
1 C. fruit salad

Exercise: 98 minutes (8 miles) with Leslie

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 68 - Why I Push the Miles

Aidan asked me the other day why I do so many miles when I walk. I responded, "Because it makes me feel good." And it does. I can see the muscle in my arms becoming more defined. My thigh muscle is hard. My waist is shrinking. My attitude during and after exercise is so much brighter than prior. It doesn't take 5 minutes of exercise for me to feel good. After 60-70-80 minutes...I feel fantastic. And I feel my creative juices flowing while walking away at a 12- 10 minute mile. I usually plan my Sunday School and Children's Sermon while I walk. My imagination is free to roam and comes up with some wild ideas. I truly enjoy the sweat. So I walk because it feels good and it's good for me.

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

2 rice cakes
1 cheese stick

2 C. romaine
1 T light italian dressing
3 oz pork tenderloin
8 oz non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1T honey

5 oz chicken breast
2 C. grilled onions/peppers/mushrooms
1 90 cal. granola bar

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 97 minutes

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 67 - Back on Track

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

3 c. romaine
1/2 c yellow bell pepper
5 oz chicken breast
1 T light italian dressing
1 c. non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream 1 T honey

1 cheese stick

1 serving Curves Shrimp and Turkey Paella

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 98 minutes

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 66 - the day I totally blow it*

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

1/2 c. hash browns
4 oz pork loin
3 c. salad with 2 T light italian dressing
1 portabello mushroom with parmesan
*1 oz chocolate marzipan
*6 lady fingers

*1 1/2 C. honey-nut cheerios
*1 c. milk
5 C microwave light popcorn

Day 65

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

3 C. romaine
4 oz Turkey breast
2 T light Ranch

Last night Dave and I attended the annual Sparta Library Fund raiser - Glitter in the Night. Hors d'ouvres, desserts, wine....not sure all what I consumed but I tried to keep a mental list but know the dessert put me over my calorie limit...
1 fried ravioli
2 chicken wrapped in bacon
1 meatball
1 toast with marinara
1 tortilla wrap with some sort of cream cheese
6 oz chicken breast, breaded and topped with cheese
1/2 c. spaghetti squash with 2 T marinara
4 asparagus spears wrapped in prosciutto
mini-scoop (maybe 2 T) spumoni
1 slice tiramisu cake

Exercise: 8 miles (1 with Carol, walking in town - 7 with Leslie) - 95 minutes

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 64

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/3 c. blueberries
2 T almonds
1 t brown sugar
1/4 c half and half

Chicken Caesar Wrap

6 oz chicken breast
1 oz mozzarella
1/2 c. edamame

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie, 90 minutes

Day 63 - a little late

1/2 english muffin
1/2 oz swiss cheese
1 fried egg
1/4 c. half and half

6 oz turkey breast
1/2 c. shelled edamame
1 apple

2 oz cheese

5 oz chicken breast
1 1/2 c. salad with 1 T. light done right dressing
1/2 c shelled edamame
1 C non fat yogurt
1 T sour cream
1 T honey

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie - 70 minutes

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 62

1.5 C oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar

Roasted Chicken Subway sandwich

1 oz mozzarella stick
90 cal. granola bar

2 crab cakes
2 c. sauteed zuchinni

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 88 minutes

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 61

I went over my calorie count today. I was hungry. After dinner I was still hungry. Rice is high in calories yet doesn't fill me up. I should avoid it because I tend to eat more even when I eat rice.  

1 C. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half

90 calorie granola bar

3 c. romaine
1 c. red peppers
4 oz chicken breast
1 T. light done right dressing
1 c. low fat plain yogurt
1 T honey

1 1/2 oz cheese
90 calorie granola bar

2/3 C. brown rice
orange beef stir fry
90 calorie granola bar
3 tea biscuits

exercise: 91 minutes with Leslie - 8 miles

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 60

1 C. oatmeal
1/2 c. blueberries
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. half/half

1 oz cheese
90 cal. granola bar

2 c. romaine
5 oz grilled chicken
1/2 c. red peppers
3/4 c. steamed brussel sprouts

5 oz. grilled chicken
1 med. sweet potato
1 pat butter
1/2 c. edamame 

1 oz cheese
90 cal. granola bar

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie, 65 minutes

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 59

1 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. cherries
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. half and half

4 oz turkey breast
1 c. mashed potatoes
1 c. brussel sprouts
1 c. low fat plain yogurt
1/2 c. cherries

1 oz cheese
1 1/2 c. mashed potatoes

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 58 - I'm Ecstatic!

It's been one month exactly since I began this official diet journey (58 days since I began food blogging/journalling). On January 7th I began the Fast Track Detox diet. After two weeks on that I meandered and a friend introduced me to the Curves plan. I've been on that this week (Phase 1). For this first month I've lost 10 pounds! My attitude toward food is changing. The feelings of attachment are breaking. I'm still on that razor's edge but my feet are dangling on the side of health, not addiction.

1 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. cherries
2 T slivered almonds
1 t. brown sugar

Jamaican Jerk Pizza at California Pizza Co. - ask how many servings are in each pizza - we were told one pizza serves one person but when I checked the calorie count on line it said one pizza has 3 servings!!!!

1/2 oz cheese
5 oz chicken breast
1/2 c. mashed sweet potato

8 miles with Leslie - 96 minutes

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 57-really good breakfast recipe

Breakfast (this was really good - you should try it)
3/4 C. oatmeal
1/2 C. cherries
1/2 t. brown sugar
2 T. shaved almonds

4 corn tortillas
10 slices roast beef lunch meat
1 oz cheddar/jack

1/2 oz. cheese

4 oz chicken breast
1 c. mashed sweet potato
2 c. steamed broccoli

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 96 minutes

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 56

1/2 english muffin
1 fried egg
1/2 oz swiss cheese

low fat cheese stick

2 c. romaine
4 oz. tuna
2 T. low fat mayo
1/2 c. cuke
1/2 english muffin
2 egg whites

90 calorie granola bar

4 oz lean ground beef
3 corn tortillas
1/2 oz cheddar

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie for 73 minutes

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 55

1/2 muffin
1 fried egg
1/2 oz swiss cheese
coffee with 1/4 c. half and half

1/2 oz cheese

2 C. romaine salad with 1T light italian dressing
6 oz. grilled chicken
1/3 C. avocado salsa

4 oz. salmon
1 c. steamed cauliflower
1 c. roasted potatoes
6 asparagus spears
1/2 c. grapes

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 93 minutes

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 54

1/2 english muffin
1 fried egg
1/2 oz. swiss cheese
coffee and 1/4 c. cream

baby belle cheese

5 romaine leaves with
4 oz tuna
1/2 c. cukes
2 T. light mayo
2 T. chopped pecans
1 kiwi
1 slice bread
2 egg whites

1 baby belle cheese

6 oz chicken breast
1/2 c. ww spaghetti
1/2 c. marinara
3 c. salad with 1 T light italian dressing
1.5 c. cauliflower

Exercise: 70 minutes with Leslie - 6 miles

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 53

2 egg whites, 1 egg scrambled with 1/4 C. onion and 1/2 c. mushroom

12 almonds

2 C. romaine with 1/2 C. peppers and 4 oz. chicken

12 almonds

5 oz. mahi-mahi
1.5 C steamed broccoli
2 pita breads
1 pear

Exercise: 5 miles with leslie - 60 minutes

Day 52 - OOOPS!

Well, I was going to post Sunday's food diary and I was doing very well up until the 4th quarter and when that 2 minute warning hit - ba-booom! 

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 51

Berry smoothie

1 slice cheese pizza
4 c. romaine with peppers
4 oz sirloin steak
1 T. oil/vinegar dressing

4 falafel patties
3 C. salad
3 oz. sirloin steak
1 T. oil vinegar dressing

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 50 - craving toast

Berry smoothie

2 boiled eggs
1.5 toast with butter

2 c. steamed broccoli
3 slices toast with butter

2 pieces toast with butter

...are you seeing a trend here?

3 C. romaine
1.5 C. steamed cauliflower
4 oz. turkey breast
1 T. oil/vinegar dressing

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 91 minutes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 49

2 boiled eggs
2 slices bread

1 sweet potato
1 pat butter
4 oz. turkey patty

1 oz almonds

4 oz turkey patty
1 sweet potato with 1 pat butter
2 C. steamed cauliflower

Exercise: 96 minutes with leslie - 8 miles

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 48

berry smoothie

2 boiled eggs

4 c. romaine salad with 4 oz roast beef
1 slice bread

1 oz almonds

4 oz. sirloin
2 C. steamed cauliflower
1 c. jello

Exercise: 83 minutes with Leslie - 7 miles

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 47 - Witchy Woman

It's that TOM - yeap, that time of the month. The exact day. The day all h$ll breaks loose in my hormones. It happens once every 7 years when my hormonal rage is at it's peak. Today was the day. I was not in my best form today. I was not in my right mind today. The kids are avoiding me and I gave Dave fair warning. Needless to say I wanted what I wanted but I only gave in to 4 chocolate balls. I wanted more - thankfully I had exorcised my pantry of such temptations. But the calorie count was much higher today than in the past. I walked for 8 miles hoping to sweat some of this hormonal psychopathy out of my system. It helped a tad.

2 boiled eggs
1 c. low fat yogurt
1 c. mixed frozen berries

1 1/2 peanut butter sandwiches
1 apple with peanut butter
4 chocolate balls

1 oz almonds

4 oz turkey patty
3 c. tossed salad with 1 T oil/vinegar dressing
6 asparagus spears

It doesn't look like a lot of calories but that peanut butter is what did me in!

Exercise: 93 minutes with Leslie - 8 miles

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 46

scrambled eggs whites with one egg, mushrooms/onions

4 c. romaine with 4 oz roast beef/2 boiled eggs/peppers and 2 T. homemade mayo dressing

1 1/2 C. spaghetti with meat sauce
1 c. tossed salad with 1 T italian dressing
1 c. lowfat plain yogurt
1 c. mixed berries

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie, 80 minutes

Day 45

So it's day 46 but I didn't get to post yesterday because I arrived home at 1:30am (on day 46) from an awesome concert - WinterJam with Toby Mac. Awesome!

Berry smoothie
Coffee with 1/4 C. cream

2 C. mixed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots - steamed
2 boiled eggs

Dinner (at 12am)
Steak and Shake single chicken breast sandwich
Coffee with 1/4 C. cream

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 44

Berry Smoothie

2 boiled eggs

2 C. romaine salad
4 oz veal burger
1 C. plain low fat yogurt with 1 T. honey

2 1/2 pieces toast with 1 pat butter

1.5 C romaine salad
4 oz veal burger
2 biscuits

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie for 93 minutes

I Lied

Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, perhaps a blatant omission. Last night, I posted day 43 prior to eating dinner. I anticipated what I was planning to eat and recorded that. Well, it wasn't exactly what I ate, not in the least.

I had the salad and one veal burger (4 oz instead of 8 - I upped the protein since my calorie count has been coming in between 1000-1100 and I think that's too low). Then I eyed the pepperoni pizza I made for the family. It looked good. I haven't had pizza for - weeks (we have pizza, homemade, really good pizza every Friday). I had a sliver. I was really good. Then I had another. I figured two slivers actually equal one piece, I'm okay. But....then.... I had another sliver. So 1 1/2 pieces of pizza - pepperoni. About an hour later my stomach was cramping up, I felt bloating, I felt miserable. I confessed to Dave.

I don't like feeling like I did. I desire that satisfied, contented feeling in my stomach, not the overloaded, bloated, ate-tooooo-much feeling. Eating the right foods satisfies better than nitrate-filled pepperoni pizza. New day. Start-over.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 43

We had a funeral dinner today. Wrecked the momentum of my good eating.

Funeral dinners are Aidan's favorite church event. There's fried chicken, ham, rolls, angel food cake and Texas sheet cake. He's in heaven and eager to help serve, anticipating the rewards to come.

I, however, dread the menu. I love jello salads. I don't make them - ever. I consider them dessert but here in the midwest a jello salad is a salad and therefore placed next to the garden salads and slaws. I don't know why. There's absolutely no vegetable in any of these salads. They're made with gelatin, strawberries (or some other fruit), marshmallows, and cool-whip. Anything with cool-whip means dessert. And because I never make jello "salads" and I didn't grow up with jello "salads" I eat them at funeral dinners. I like them - a lot. But today I had --- none, nada, not.a.bite. I did have fried chicken (peeling the fried part off) and some banana split dessert. Then I saw home-made peach pie and thought, "Wow, homemade peach pie!" So I wrapped up a piece to enjoy at home. After dishes, cleaning counters, and storing leftovers I returned home to enjoy my dessert - my deserved, rewarded dessert. Dave gave me the harry eye-ball as I unwrapped the cellophane.

I said, "What!"

So I took a bite. It wasn't that satisfying. Not that fantastic of a pie. But it has been so long...

So I took another bite. With each bite I was trying to persuade my taste buds that this was sooo worth it. But it wasn't. I stopped after 4 bites. Placed the plate down and walked away. It was enough. I threw the rest away. Didn't need the temptation.

Berry smoothie

2 boiled eggs

2 chicken thighs, fried, skin removed
1.5 C. salad
1 C. cauliflower/broccoli salad
1/2 C. Banana split dessert
1/2 piece peach pie

3 c. romaine salad with peppers and yellow squash
8 oz veal burger

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 42

Berry Smoothie

2 egg omelet with onions and mushrooms
4 c. romaine with peppers, broccoli and homemade mayo dressing
1 piece bread with pat butter


8 oz veal burger
1 .5 c broccoli
sauteed onions, mushrooms, artichoke hearts (in veg. broth - no fat!)

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie, 83 minutes

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 41

Not a good day. I ate bread. Lustfully ate bread. Greedily ate bread. It's tax day.

2 eggs scrambled
3 asparagus spears
2 T. onion

1 C. cauliflower
6 oz sirloin steak

2 pieces toast with 2 pats butter

4 oz. salmon
2/3 C. rice
1 c. fried cabbage

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie, 93 minutes

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 40

Blueberry Smoothie

2 boiled eggs
1 piece toast

2 c. salad with 4 oz. sirloin steak
1 c. low fat plain yogurt
2 t. honey

4 oz chicken
1 acorn squash
sauteed onions/mushrooms


Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie, 70 minutes

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 39

Thank goodness for grilled chicken salad in restaurants.

We ate out today and I was a little apprehensive, not knowing where we were going to eat (going out with friends who picked the place). It was mexican. The tortilla chips and salsa were placed on the table. Yumm. I knew if I ate one I'd have another, then another, then another. So my mind was calculating, "Can I afford the calories?" I decided it was a treat that I really didn't want to indulge in. Now the menu. What to order? I love flautas but fried flour tortillas - definitely not on the diet. Then I saw the grilled chicken garden salad. Yes! Something I enjoy and can eat. I didn't feel neglected and entitled to indulge. I was satisfied. I didn't crave the rice, beans, guacamole and c-h-e-e-s-e (oozy-goozy).

One thing this detox has done for my appetite - it has made me able to wait longer between meals, when I can't eat I have a longer tolerance for hunger. Prior to detoxing, the minute I felt hunger I would crave and crave and dream of what to eat and the minute I was in the kitchen, or at a place to eat, I would consume, not mindful of what I was eating, just wanting to consume. Now I wait and savor the flavors. It's a good thing.

berry smoothie

Grilled Chicken Garden Salad

Starbucks Venti with half and half

4 oz. sirloin steak
sweet potato with pat butter
1 C. cauliflower
1 C. broccoli

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 38

I completed the ten days on the Fast Track Detox diet yesterday. I lost a total of 5 pounds. As i stated before I could easily slip back into bad habits but I also feel victorious by placing food in it's proper position in my life - for my good and not my god. I will most likely continue cycling through this regimen. The family likes the menu (I alter and add a bit extra for them), it's not very expensive and it's working.

Scrumptious Apple Squares - (2 eggs, 1 scoop whey powder, 1 apple, 1/2 t. cinnamon)
1 c. plan low-fat yogurt

1/4 C. half/half

4 scallops
8 shrimp
2 slices toast with 1 pat butter
salad with vinaigrette

2 hard boiled eggs

Blueberry Smoothie


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 37

Cherry and Whey Pancakes

4 oz turkey patty
Romaine Salad with broccoli, cauliflower, red and green peppers

Blueberry smoothie

4 oz mahi-mahi (that was absolutely delicious - will make this again)
5 oz butternut squash
spinach salad (spinach, red onion and eggs)


Exercise: 9 miles with Leslie 106 minutes

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 36

On one of Leslie Sansone's dvds she mentions how technology encouraged less activity. For example, instead of writing a letter and walking to the post box we sit at the computer and email. Fair enough, technology does tend to keep us in our seats. But then I was thinking about this blog, the google group I'm apart, sites I can rely on (like for information...all that technology is helping me. So if you look at it in a different light technology is a good thing - depending on how you use it.

Whey and Cherry Pancakes

1 boiled egg

Cauliflower and carrots
4 oz turkey patty
2 slices toast with 1 pat butter

1 boiled egg

Salad with artichoke hearts and
4 oz. chicken

Exercise 8 miles with Leslie in 92 minutes

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eating Out vs. Eating In

I use to record my calories everyday. They send me articles that inspire and challenge. Today's was fascinating. I had to pass it on. Notice the total calories of the meals eaten out - almost an entire day's worth!

What Do 300-Calorie Meals Look Like?

Wonder what 300 calories looks like? 300 calories look drastically different when you're eating in instead of dining out. Choosing healthier, more nutritious foods--at home and away--means you can eat much more food and still lose weight. Check out these 18 meal comparisons and forward this eye-opening email to your friends, family and co-workers to help them eat healthier this year!

Breakfast: 300-Calorie Meals & Portions
Here are three morning meals that each weigh in at 300 calories. Healthy and quick homemade meals (left column) pack whole grains, fresh fruit, and protein--a filling combination that will keep you fuller longer. You could only eat a fraction of the comparable restaurant meals (right column) for the same number of calories.

Lunch: 350-Calorie Meals & Portions
These midday meals contain 350 calories each--the perfect amount to keep you going without wrecking your diet. Packing one of the homemade lunches on the left doesn't take long, and look at all those low-cal and filling veggies you'll get! Notice how seemingly healthy options like the restaurant foods on the right can be very misleading! Those 350-calorie portions are pretty small.

Dinner: 400-Calorie Meals & Portions
Many people consume a larger meal at night, so we picked 400-calorie dinners here. By combining whole grains with lean protein and vegetables, these homemade dinners (left column) are a snap to prepare--and they'll keep the late-night munchies at bay! In contrast, the high-fat and high-calorie meals on the right don't offer much in the way of nutrition or volume.

The bottom line is that you can eat more and lose weight when you know how to pick the right foods and the right portions. Use the images and portions above as a guide to create your own healthy, diet-friendly and nutritious meals every day!

Discuss this email or leave a comment on the dailySpark, and don't forget to forward this email to your friends.

Day 35

So I lost 2 pounds yesterday. That's a total loss of 7 pounds since Christmas. Not bad. I'll take it.

Today begins the 3 day sealing of all the good eating I've done, habits I've changed over the last week. That includes easily digestible foods with good enzymes.

Apple Squares (apples, whey powder, eggs, cinnamon)
1/2 C. greek yogurt

1 C. asparagus puree soup
2 C. mixed greens with 4 oz turkey breast
1 slice flax bread with 1 pat butter

2 soft boiled eggs
2 c. mixed greens with artichoke hearts

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie - 82 minutes

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 34 - Fast Day

It's 7:30 pm and I've fasted this day on lemon water and the cranberry drink from the Ann Gittleman's Fast Track Detox. I can honestly tell you I am not hungry, I have not experience hunger and am not craving any food. As I was grilling turkey cutlets for the family my mind was carrying on a conversation:
"Should grilling this meat make me hungry?"
"Why, yes, I think it should!"
"So...are you hungry?"
"By golly, I am not! But should I be?"
""Perhaps, but I really am not so I probably shouldn't be dwelling on it, trying to convince myself that I should be hungry when I am not actually."
"Okay, let's stop thinking about this and move on!"

For the next three days I ease back into food with liver-loving cauliflower, broccoli, veal, turkey, flaxseed oil and blueberries. This has been a good diet to follow. I've enjoyed the recipes and the ingredients. I will try to follow this plan every 6-8 weeks and continue with eating the liver-loving foods.

I am feeling victorious over my past relationship with food. It isn't what comforts and consoles me. I will not turn to it out of boredom, depression, anger or stress. I know this is a decision teetering on a razor's edge. I can too easily slip to the other side, fall off the wagon and allow food to be my god. This causes me all the more to call out to my true GOD, for comfort and consolation.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 33

Why would I gain weight on this diet? Honestly, please tell me -- why would the scale read 3 pounds heavier yesterday (yes it was after breakfast)? Today I weighed as soon as I woke up, like I have been and instead of those 3 pounds gone, only 2 are. So I gained a pound! I baffled. Why? My calories are around 1200. I exercise hundreds of calories and I didn't lose but gained!

I am bound and determined not to give up though. My body feels healthier and my cravings have diminished (though I no sometimes I am on the cusp of blowing it and consuming the last of the Christmas chocolate in 5 seconds flat!). This is the right direction and I will keep moving there. I am feeling success in recognizing the dependency I have on food for comfort - and the desire to use food to fill a void is waning. That is a victory.

Tomorrow is the juice fast day. Today I prepare for it and tomorrow I live it.

Berry Smoothie

Spinach salad - 4 oz lamb, broccoli, red onion, one egg

2 boiled eggs

1 oz tilapia (tilapia was on the menu but after cooking and tasting it - well it tasted off so a few bites later it was decided to toss)
4 oz lean burger
steamed cauliflower/carrots
1/2 slice flax bread

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie, 95 minutes

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 32

So I made the mistake of weighing myself after I drank a liter of water and ate breakfast. Guess what? I gained 3 pounds! What the?! I'm not counting it - nope, no way. Instead, I'll go with the number tomorrow morning fresh out of bed!

2 c. spinach
2 eggs scrambled

Berry smoothie

4 oz roast beef
3 c. romaine
cherry toms
1 c. broccoli
2 t. dijon vinaigrette

3 pieces flax bread with butter - not on the diet and perhaps I'm feeling a little sorry for myself since weighing in - who knows. I didn't give much thought while I was toasting the bread. That's my problem. I force reason and my goal out of my head so the only voice I hear is that entitlement voice (You deserve this - it won't be so bad, no too many calories, it's not really that far off your diet - it is "flax" bread after all!). But regardless of those arguments it was off my plan, away from my goal.

4 oz lean beef burger
brussel sprouts sauteed in garlic/olive oil

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 31

The kids wanted to go to Pizza Hut after church - with the gang. I said, "Go but I'm staying here." Dave said, "Let's just hang out, not eat, just be with everyone." Great! Smelling melted cheese, pepperoni, etc. Even though I can't stand Pizza Hut's pizza I thought the smells and seeing everyone devouring would overwhelm me. Plus I thought of not eating for an hour and being ravenous upon returning home - would I scarf down the first food item I see when opening the refrigerator? Nope, I did not. I had chicken leftovers, broccoli leftovers, cooked some more cauliflower and when it was done, had 1/2 c. brown rice. I felt like something sweet to finish the meal - a pear. I am satisfied. I am so glad I didn't fall off the wagon and pollute my system with pizza, from Pizza Hut!

Blueberry smoothie

4 oz. chicken
2 C. cauliflower
2 C. broccoli
1/2 c. brown rice
1 pear

2 oz. roast beef

3 oz chicken
4 c. romaine
2 c. cauliflower
1 celery stick
10 baby carrots
1/2 C. brown rice
2 T. dijon dressing.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 30 - Another Pound Gone!

That's 2 pounds since starting this detox - on Wednesday. It's not so bad, really, except for these berry smoothies set for most breakfasts. There cold. And it's cold around here. The two do not mix very well. I have to wear a sweater drinking my smoothie in the morning. I also found I do not like raspberries/blackberries in my smoothie - too many seeds. I prefer to go with blueberry/cherry mix. And the recipe calls for Stevia - not available at Walmart - so I'm using honey.

Berry smoothie

large salad with tomatoes, celery, broccoli, carrots
2 egg omelet with mushrooms, onion, asparagus, broccoli


4 oz lamb burger
1 acorn squash
2 c. steamed broccoli

Exercise: 8 miles with Leslie - 95 minutes

It was a good day. Hunger felt and embraced. No screaming cravings.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 29 - Dreaded 3rd Day

Yeah, the third day of a diet is known to be the worst. And it was. I was hungry before lunch, after lunch, mid-afternoon, late afternoon and I wanted something that wasn't on the diet. I had 2 pieces of toast, with butter. Not on the diet. Then I had an extra 2 boiled eggs (on the diet, just had extra). Then I had dinner at 4 pm, not waiting until 6. So other than the toast I stayed fairly close to the plan.

Yesterday when I was hungry I enjoyed it. I was thankful that I could feel my stomach empty and embrace the feeling. I remembered Barbara's words regarding her struggle with eating and watching her disabled sons conquer their weaknesses and not give in and how that shamed her into pursuing self-control all the more. Today -- my mind wouldn't go there. It was only occupied with the immediate - no delayed gratification. It's a matter of will, a matter of stopping and saying not, to change focus from the stomach's wants to the body's needs.

berry smoothie

4 oz chicken
1/2 c. mushrooms/onions

2 boiled eggs
2 pieces toast

4 oz. chicken
sweet potato

Exercise: 5 miles with Leslie, 60 minutes

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 27 - Down a Pound!

Yeap - a pound is gone from yesterday.

Berry Smoothie

2 boiled eggs

Chef salad (romaine, cheddar, tomatoes, egg, ham, turkey)

Cauliflower and broccoli
4 oz. rib roast
1 sweet potato

Exercise:7 miles with Leslie, 85 minutes

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 26 - Detox Begins

Today I begin the detox diet - 7 days of liver friendly food followed by a cranberry/water fast then 3 days easing into liver loving foods. So today I spill the truth - my weight - in numbers - truthful - honest - 223#. I hope this will be going down, and down, and down. I have lost 5 lbs since October. My short-term goal is 197 - random number under 200. So the ticker on my side bar is related to that. I started in when I was at 226 so I'm down 3 pounds!

3 egg white/2 whole eggs scrmabled
2 T. onions
1/2 C. asparagus
1 c. raspberries

Berry Smoothie - this would be nice in August but not 32 degree January!

1 huge salad with 4 oz turkey breast and 2 T. dijon dressing

It's 4pm and I'm hungry. I have a headache - I believe it is a combination of sinus and caffeine withdrawal!

4 oz. salmon
2 c. cauliflower/broccoli

MADE IT...with a headache, but made it. Now tomorrow, I know, will be harder. But I have a goal in the front of my mind and I'm pushing on.

No exercise!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 25 - Happy Epiphany!

Breakfast (231 calories)
1 C. oatmeal
2 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. non fat milk
1/4 c. whole milk
2 c. coffee

Lunch (593 calories)
3 c. salad
2 boiled eggs
2 oz. roast beef
2 slices bread
1 apple

Dinner - hard to calculate calories
1 slice rib roast
1 roasted potato
1 c. green beans with shallots/almonds
3 c. romaine salad with roasted beets, walnuts, bleu cheese and dijon-lemon dressing
1 piece bouche de noel

Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie Sansone - 85 minutes

Monday, January 5, 2009

day 24

It's important to remember to look at the calories before consuming questionable food! I learned my lesson yesterday with the Dove bar. I had 2 Russell Stovers chocolates, thought about the third then looked at the calories - 70 per piece. No thank you. I've had enough. Tomorrow's Epiphany. This is when we celebrate Christmas with presents and a feast - rib roast tomorrow and the ultimate in decadence - bouche de noel! Wednesday I begin my detox diet!

Breakfast (231 calories)
1 c. oatmeal
2 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. non fat milk
1/4 c. whole milk
2 c. coffee

Lunch (455 calories)
1 boiled egg
1 c. stir fry with rice
1 slice ham
1 apple
1 oz cheddar

Dinner (734 calories)
1 c. polenta
4 oz grilled chicken breast
1 1/5 c. salad with balsamic dressing
2/3 c. french green beans
2 shrimp
1 russell stovers cream chocolates

Total calories 1419

Exercise: 6 miles with Leslie Sansone, 70 minutes

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 23

Have you ever had Dove chocolate? I don't chose it often. There was a package of Dove Christmas chocolate for 75% off at Walmart. I bought it - for the kids. I had one after lunch. Then another. I thought about having a third until I glanced at the calorie count --- 380 per piece!!! Un-be-liev-a-ble! Now I wish I didn't have one which encouraged that second. 760 calories wasted - an entire meal. Wasted. Look at my calories for lunch. 1352. That's almost the total for the day (I should be eating between 1350-1700). After lunch I have 117 calories left for the rest of the day to stay within my range. Counting calories is a good thing (using sparkpeople). If I didn't count those 2 dove bars I wouldn't realize where my count was after lunch and would most like go extremely over by the end of the day. Lesson learned? I hope.

Breakfast (231 calories)
1 c. oatmeal
2 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. non fat milk
1/4 c. whole milk
2 c. coffee

Lunch (1352 calories)
1 1/2 split pea soup
2 pieces french bread
2 dove chocolate
1 stroop waffel

Dinner (226 calories)
1 apple
1 oz cheddar
1 c. popcorn

Total calories 1809

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 22

Breakfast (308 calories)
1 c. oatmeal
2 t. brown sugar
1/4 c. non fat milk
1 boiled egg
2 c. coffee
1/4 c. whole milk

Lunch (499 calories)
4 slices ham
1 c. stir fry with brown rice

Dinner (943 calories)
100 grams pasta
1/2 link italian sausage
1 stalk broccoli
2 T. parmesan
2 c. salad
2 T Italian light dressing
1 1/2 piece stollen

Total calories: 1750
Exercise: 7 miles with Leslie Sansone for 76 minutes